I haven't posted any pictures of my pantry, so I thought that I would catch you up on the progress that is being made. It is not quite complete yet, the outside of the door still needs finishing. That part is out of my control, unless I really nagged (I have been known to do on occasion). But, it is so much better than it was. Now I can actually find what I'm looking for, and it is halfway neatly arranged. Not alphabetically, I am not that structured. Besides, if I did alphabetize, it would only last a day or so. Who has that much time? All of the soups, dry mixes, crackers and noodles that were older than my children are gone. It is a wondered that they still were there, we have moved at least twice since they have been out of the nest. The current ones are all in their baskets and bins. Everything in its place and a place for everything. Ahhhhhhh! At least that's the way it is inside my pantry.
I also have one more kitchen drawer decluttered and organized. All straight and sorted by shapes and sizes. Yep! No more voices in that drawer.
Along with these projects, I am attempting to make my body more organized and user friendly. I am taking it to the gym, working out. I even see a personal trainer to totally abuse it and then send it home. (I can't believe I pay for this torture!) The plan, someone keeps telling me, there always has to be a plan. Anyway, the plan is to workout at least three times a week and see the trainer once a week for a month. At this time I have done this for two weeks. Believe me my poor, old body is telling me all about the abuse. The voices are even complaining.
It is so hard to make time for exercise. Again, I must be a lot more popular and/or busy than I think I am, or maybe, just more unorganized than I give myself credit for. It all comes down to commitment. The desire is there, just the commitment needs work. Any change, even for the better, is difficult. My trainer says "Don't be so strict with yourself", "Give yourself room to make mistakes". I can tell he hasn't been hearing my voices! I seem to make my boundaries so unbendable that I set myself up for failure. It's hard to learn that it is alright to be human, to err, make mistakes, yes, and even fail sometimes. (That includes the dish of espresso madness ice cream I just ate.) You see, we are all human. We all don't meet our personal goals at times. That's what being human is all about. Learning to fail, get up, try again and don't beat yourself up over it. Whew! That is a huge, gigantic hurdle. I am a work in progress. Very slow progress. Very, very slow. Fortunately, I am seeing some small amount of progress. A tad bit better attitude, don't laugh. I understand that will be a shock to some of you. I even think I feel less weighed down. Not lighter (I wish!), but less weighed down. I have been working so hard at clearing out my house, organizing, sorting and cleaning, that I didn't notice the little changes that came with it. After three months of working on this challenge, I can see a difference. A difference in me. The side effect of this is less weight, less darkness and more light! Lighter in my physical surroundings and mentally.

So, I will continue on my journey. I'll continue going forward clearing the crap and quieting the voices, one piece of my home and life at a time. Until then.
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