First off, yes, it's a white Christmas tree. I know that it is a little tacky maybe, but, I like it. And yes, I put butterflies on it, red ones to be exact. And I like that too.
As usual for me, when I start a new endeavor, my brain races with a thousand other ideas that I should do. Heaven forbid if I only have one project at a time. All of the voices are constantly giving me the opinions of how to start, what to start, what to do first, how it should be done and so on. Each believing that they are more important than the others. All of them say they have all the angles on how I can do it all, and usually have me thinking, why not? Of course, I can do it all! After all, who do they think they are dealing with?
The one constant with all of them is that none of them tell me how to "complete" any one of the projects, let alone all of them. No suggestions of what would be the best way to stick with it or good strategies for completing any of them. The worse part is, they all know how I am. That I do have trouble with follow through and focus. That, when, I start one new task, I have an over whelming desire and need to start many. All of these great ideas are spewing out of my brain, and, in my opinion, they are all great and obviously need and should be done. Yep, all of them, all at the same time. That's what I do, I believe that I can and will do them all. The simple fact is, nobody, can do it all. A very sad realization that I am forced to come to grips with at times like this.
This time is no different. Once again, I have committed to several projects. This one, of course, signed up at the local gym, cooking and trying to eat more healthy, even raw once more. You would think that if you are eating raw, it would be simple. Nothing that is cooked, right? Nope, nothing is that simple! There is so much prep work if you want variety. Soaking this, marinading that, and then there is the dehydrating. It takes a couple of days to dehydrate most things. So, if you want variety, and believe me, you do, this takes fore thought, organization, and time. Anyway, back to the organizing.
My first task was the Christmas decorations, and get it done during my days off. I planned on getting them down and packed (neatly) away. I even went as far as to buy some of those large plastic totes, red for Christmas. I was very proud of myself, got the bins, starting packing, then I the other ideas starting creeping back into my brain. So I did what I always do, I stopped packing decorations and started making raw oatmeal and raw lasagna. I blame it all on my daughter, she is the vegan, and started this whole idea. I figured if I got all the prep work done, while it was all marinading and soaking, I would complete the original job of the decorations. And since I was trying to get this completed during my days off, I also had the usual chores to be done. The laundry, bills and housekeeping. Plus whatever other family stuff that comes up.
After long, long days off, I did finally get the Christmas decorations down and packed in my shiny red new bins, and put them out in the garage. Just barely in the garage, but technically they are out of the house and in the garage. (Which is another totally different project, at a later time.) The house looks bare, just like the tree after all the presents, that you worked so hard on wrapping, are gone from under it. All the lights off, the shiny objects put away, and the festive atmosphere gone. Strangely, I miss it. Not!
I feel good that I got my first task completed, finished. Yeah! Victory is mine. Now I have to decide on my next task. Should it be the closets? Pantry? Drawers? Guest bedroom (store room)? So many choices, it will be tough to decide. You will be the first to know.
And, in case you were wondering.......
The raw lasagna and oatmeat is complete and very tasty. The laundry done, along with the other usual house stuff. Not bad, undecorated, packed, cooking or non cooking, and I even managed to squeeze in a movie. A three hour one, Avatar. It was very good, but made me sad. And makes me think to be kinder and gentler with the world.
Hey, don't bad mouth the white Christmas tree, I have the same one in my house and I like it too :) I am impressed that your decorations are put away (atleast as far as the garage) as mine are still up or partially packed. I haven't seen Avatar yet, but did watch Blindsided....really inspiring movie that makes you want to be a better person.
ReplyDeleteGood job and getting Christmas squared away---I do green totes for Christmas....and am glad to see that the fragmenting of my attention is something I come by genetically---because I do it in all aspects of my life personally and professionally! Keep up the good work---I did the kitchen drawer/cabinet clean out over the break---felt good to 'toss' a lot of 'stuff'...and was proud of myself for allowing myself to do so....Keep up the good work...Love you!